The first goal of this talk is to describe some recent progress (in joint work with Jeff Kahn and Jinyoung Park) on the "Second" Kahn-Kalai Conjecture (KKC2), the original conjecture on graph containment in Gn,p that motivated what is now the Park-Pham Theorem (PPT). KKC2 says that pc(H), the threshold for containing a graph H in Gn,p, satisfies pc(H)=O(pElogn), where pE is the smallest p such that the expected number of copies of any subgraph of H is at least one. In other words, for this class of problems, the expectation threshold q in PPT can be replaced by the smaller pE. We show that q<O(pElog2n) (implying pc(H)=O(pElog3n) via PPT). Time-permitting, the second portion of the talk will discuss some hopes for and failed attempts at sharpening PPT and KKC2.